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Image by Jez Timms

Nutritional Evaluation

Are you following a low carbohydrate or ketogenic diet on your own but not getting the results you want? Perhaps you are struggling to lose weight, not binge, feel energised or keep your ketones within range for your mental health. Or maybe you are simply unsure if you are doing everything correctly. How much fat? How much protein?


I can help you understand what works best to reach your health goal. 


This call with give you a full review of your current diet and lifestyle with recommendations for how and where to improve. Education is provided on how to tailor your diet to reach your health goals.


This is a stand-alone service and is not tied into any other program. If, following this, you decide you want more support, you will not need an initial consultation to start the 1:1 Metabolic Mental Health Program (MMH), group MMH Program or Self-Guided MMH Program.

What Does the Review Include?


Book your Nutritional Evaluation call using the booking link



Send your diet and lifestyle information so far, along with any questions and queries 


Receive suggestions, recommendations and adjustments for your goals


Receive tailored education and lifestyle obstacle troubleshooting


Follow your program and reach your health goals with peace of mind

- Do You Want Peace of Mind? -

Book your Nutritional Evaluation now 

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