Mental health is extremely complex and there is no one size fits all approach to recovery and improving brain health. There are also many avenues to explore when using metabolic therapies to improve mental health symptoms. Therefore, every client I work with starts with a consultation call.
Before our one hour consultation call, I will review as much information about you, your symptoms and your history as possible so that I can make the best use of our time together.
This includes spending time reviewing your answers to the pre-consultation call forms, your medical history, previous illnesses both physical and mental, your current symptoms and struggles, any recent lab test or blood work, your current nutrition and lifestyle habits, supplements, medications and any other information you might feel I need to review to fully understand your situation, such as letters from your psychiatrist or GP.
I will review this information before your consultation call. This gives me time to plan how I may be able to help you. Then we can spend the consultation call discussing these suggestions and your options should you want to start working together.
If you are happy to get started, we will begin to plan for care on the same call.